姚红红 副理事长

姚红红,女,1975年6月出生,汉族,山东省日照市人。 1996年7月毕业于中国药科大学药剂学专业,2001年6月于中国药科大学获硕士学位,2006年7月毕业于南京医科大学药理学系,获博士学位。2007年7月至2009年6月继续在美国University of Kansas医学中心做博士后研究工作;2009年6月至2013年8月在美国University of Nebraska医学中心任讲师 (Instructor)及助理教授.2013年获国家自然科学基金优秀青年青年科学基金资助[3,2015年2月中组部“千人计划”青年人才项目。 此外,姚红红教授还先后获得美国NIH基金(R01/R21),江苏省特聘教授、东南大学青年特聘教授等项目资助。




Zhang Y, Shen K, Bai Y, Lv X, Huang R, Zhang W, Chao J, Nguyen L, Hua J, Gan G, Hu G, Yao H (2016).Mir143-BBC3 cascade reduces microglial survival via interplay between apoptosis and autophagy: Implications for methamphetamine-mediated neurotoxicity.Autophagy. 1-22.[6]



Zhang Y, Lv X, Bai Y, Zhu X, Wu X, Chao J, Duan M, Buch S, Chen L, Yao H (2015). Involvement of sigma-1 receptor in astrocyte activation induced by methamphetamine via up-regulation of its own expression. Journal of Neuroinflammation. 12:29


Bai Y, Zhu X, Chao J, Zhang Y, Qian C, Li P, Liu D, Han B, Zhao L, Zhang J, Buch S, Teng G, Hu G, Yao H (2015). Pericytes Contribute to the Disruption of the Cerebral Endothelial Barrier via Increasing VEGF Expression: Implications for Stroke.PLoS One.10:e0124362.


Yi H, Bai Y, Zhu X, Lin L, Zhao L, Wu X, Buch S, Wang L, Chao J, Yao H (2014). IL-17A Induces MIP-1α Expression in Primary Astrocytes via Src/MAPK/PI3K/NF-kB Pathways: Implications for Multiple Sclerosis. Journal Neuroimmune Pharmacol. 9:629-41.


Yao H, Ma R, Yang L, Hu G, Chen X, Duan M, Kook Y, Niu F, Liao K, Fu M, Hu G, Kolattukudy P, Buch S (2014). MiR-9 promotes microglial activation by targeting MCPIP1. Nat Communications.5:4386.


Duan M*, Yao H*, Hu G, Chen X, Lund A, Buch S (2013). HIV Tat induces expression of ICAM-1 in HUVECs: Implications for miR-221/-222 in HIV-associated cardiomyopathy. PLoS One. 8:e60170 (* Co-first coauthor)


Yao H, Duan M, Yang L, Lu Y, Singh V, Buch S (2013). Nonmuscle myosin light- chain kinase mediates microglial migration induced by HIV Tat: Involvement of β1 integrins. FASEB J. 27(4):1532-48.


Hu G*, Yao H*, Amrita Datta Chaudhuri, Duan M, Yelamanchili S, Wen H, Fox H, and Buch S (2012). Exosome-mediated shuttling of MicroRNA-29 regulate HIV Tat and Morphine-mediated Neuronal Dysfunction. Cell Death and Disease 3:e381 (* Co-first coauthor)


Yao H, Kim K, Duan M, Hayashi T, Guo M, Morgello S, Prat A, Wang J, Su TP, Buch S. (2011) Cocaine hijacks sigma-1 receptor to initiate induction of ALCAM: Implication for increased monocyte adhesion and migration in the central nervous system. J Neurosci. 31:5942-5955.


Yao H, Duan M and Buch S. (2011) Cocaine-mediated induction of platelet-derived growth factor: Implication for increased vascular permeability. Blood. 117:2538-2547.


Yao H, Yang YJ, Bethel-Brown C, Gong N, Funa K, Kim KJ, Gendelman HE, Su TP, Wang JQ, and Buch S (2010). Molecular mechanisms involving sigma receptor-mediated induction of MCP-1: implication for increased monocyte transmigration. Blood. 115:4951-62.